The Portal’s Choice – Beta Reader #1 Response

“As you by now know, we have sent out 18 copies of The Portal’s Choice to beta readers to get any last minute feedback before the book is released (on May 6). Last week, I received the first response to the questionnaire we included with the book copy. Reader #1...

Young Adult Reviewers of The Portal’s Choice

Last Friday, March 22, I met with a group of eighth graders and their teacher. Mrs. Allison had invited me to come in and speak with the kids in her class who most loved to read and could provide me with quick feedback on The Portal’s Choice, featuring Tallis...

So who is Tallis Challinor?

I’d like to introduce you to the protagonist of “The Portal’s Choice”, Tallis Challinor. I’m going to let Tallis speak for herself in a moment, but first I want to say that creating characters is fun and I’ve loved exploring Tallis and her personality. By...