Ten things you probably don’t know about me

I’ve written about my daughter, Shannon, before. She is my 17 year-old female voice. And I trust her judgment. But when I asked her to suggest a topic for a blog post and she said, “Tell your readers about you,” I was doubtful. What would I say? Would it be...

Books to Beta Readers

On June 6 my publisher, Katherine Mariaca-Sullivan, and I, met with my 8th grade beta readers and their teacher, Cheryl Allison. The purpose of our get together was to have pizza and allow me to give each student and Mrs. Allison a copy of The Portal’s Choice. The...

Weekend Reflections

It is Sunday evening. I spent much of this afternoon with my daughter Shannon pinning pictures of possible gatekeeper crystals to the Pinterest page for The Portal’s Choice. Shannon is my girl voice, my 17 year-old model for teenage female language and behavior. And...

A Chat with Kimberly Barrett About Crystals

Recently I had the chance to sit down with Kimberly Barrett, Crystal Therapy practitioner. Kimberly is also a long-time Master Instructor of IET, Magnified Healing, Shambhala and Karuna Reiki and she teaches Earth Healing as well as Crystal Therapies, and more!...