The Portal’s Choice featured on Britney Gulbrandsen Website

Check out The Portal’s Choice and another fascinating interview (well, kind of interesting maybe) of me. Today my book and I are featured at Britney Gulbrandsen’s site and I’m  very happy to be there. Thanks to Britney for hosting The Portal’s...

The Portal’s Choice featured on Mom With a Kindle

Michelle at Mom with a Kindle is hosting The Portal’s Choice and The Inn of the Kindred Spirits today and she has posted a lovely review of the The Portal’s Choice. Plus, there’s a contest running for the length of the review tour – until...

Review Stop at The Readers Hollow

The Portal’s Choice is featured at The Readers Hollow today. Please do take a look at the very kind review and check out all of the wonderful books featured on the site. Thanks to The Readers Hollow for hosting my book today. Share...

Reading Addiction Blog Tour Kicks Off Today

The Portal’s Choice and The Inn of the Kindred Spirits are on Tour with Reading Addiction for the next two weeks. Check out the site today and keep checking back for book reviews, interviews and more. And be sure to enter to win one of two $25 Amazon gift cards....