Over the Edge Press Release

Hi And Welcome! I have some exciting news happening next week on 27 May, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it.  I have been asked to read a passage from my upcoming novel, Letting Go, the first novel in the Dreamscapes series. The book will be released on...

The Gatekeepers series on Tour

The Portal’s Choice and The Inn of the Kindred Spirits are on tour again, this time with Bewitching Book Tours. The schedule is below, listing all the places where the books will be featured over the next two weeks. Check out the tour when you get a chance and...

Perfect Playlist for The Portal’s Choice

I dedicated The Portal’s Choice to my daughter, Shannon, because she is truly my female voice, willing to listen and give me advice whenever I ask during the writing process. Last August, Shannon left for her first year of college and I’ve missed her very...

Book, Giveaway and Excerpt at Krystal’s Enchanting Reads

Today The Portal’s Choice is at Krystal’s Enchanting Reads.  Head to the site where you can enter the giveaway to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and read an excerpt of the book. Thanks very much to Krystal for hosting my book today on her site. Share...