joys of reading many books photo from nprI have received feedback on The Portal’s Choice from several sources now, and most of what I’ve been told has been positive. I did have one reader who made some very constructive comments about the book, comments that, at first, were a bit tough for me to take. I have a great publisher who helped me to see that constructive criticism is very important at this stage in the game. She’s right and I’d like to share with you, my readers, some of what this perceptive woman had to offer.

I’ll call this reviewer Beta Reader #2. Beta Reader #2 is a college student who only had time to read a portion of the book, but her comments on the part that she did read are insightful and, therefore, very helpful. Beta Reader #2 pointed out that I needed to add some suspense and a stronger reaction from Tallis near the first of the story. Reading over the section of the book that she referenced, my publisher and I decided that this reader was correct. Edits are underway. She also pointed out a place where a comment made by one character would be more appropriate from a different character. Again, she has a valid point and I’m making the changes. Next, Beta Reader #2 also pointed out a place where she would like to see more emotion from Tallis and another spot where Tallis might not have been as sensitive to a situation as she could have been. I am considering all of the suggestions made by this reader and appreciate her thoughtful consideration as she read the book.

Beta Reader #2 didn’t have a chance to finish the story and so she didn’t have a chance to see how the protagonist, Tallis, evolves as the story continues. I wish that she had. I would have liked to hear her thoughts about the story and Tallis once she finished the book. I am very pleased that she read as far as she did, and I thank her and all of my readers for every comment and thoughtful suggestion.

Picture courtesy of and from The Joys of Reading Many Books at Once