
Back Row from left – KD Pryor, Lily, Courtney, Faith, Julia, Noah
Front row from left – Ana, Ellie, Caitlin, and Mrs. Allison

On June 6 my publisher, Katherine Mariaca-Sullivan, and I, met with my 8th grade beta readers and their teacher, Cheryl Allison. The purpose of our get together was to have pizza and allow me to give each student and Mrs. Allison a copy of The Portal’s Choice. The kids read the book for me prior to publication and met with me to provide feedback. They made several valuable suggestions that I incorporated into the book. I believe that, because of their input, The Portal’s Choice is a better book.

Since the initial meeting, the students and I have met weekly as a writing group in the school library, where we discuss different aspects of fiction writing including developing the story’s setting, getting to know the main character, and how to start a story so that it will immediately catch the interest of the reader.  I also presented a copy of The Portal’s Choice to the school librarian, Suzanne Haldane.